The RForms solution, also known as Templates with static link is a convenient RSign feature enabling multiple signers to access and sign documents using a static URL embedded in a website, button, or a web application.
RForms are a special type of templates. Besides all the benefits standard templates offer, they have additional advantages that are unique to this solution:
- No action from the sender is required: The URL to the signature request can be embedded in a website, an email, or a web application, for the signer to access when applicable.
- When multiple signers are required, they can be co-located, sharing the same browser session.
This article covers the following topics:
- Enabling this feature
- Creating an RForm
- Identifying and managing RForms in the Templates page
- RForms signer experience
- Requesting access to an RForm
- Verifying first signer
- Verifying Each Signer for Static Templates
Enabling this feature
RForms are enabled with the Create static link for templates setting.
Creating an RForm
To create a template, follow these steps:
1. Make sure the Create static link for templates setting is enabled.
2. Click on the Templates option from the top navigation bar and press the Create template or rule button.
3. Set the template name and description.
4. Set the Document Expiry Date, after which access to the contents of the static template will be restricted upon expiration.
5. Create the necessary roles by clicking on the +Role button. A role is the type of signer that will complete the template.
Note: There are three types of roles: signer, CC, or prefill. When selecting CC, additional options may become available, depending on whether the CC options setting is enabled. For each created role, you can select what is the recipient's language, if applicable.
6. Determine whether recipients should sign in sequence or not by checking the corresponding box, or leaving it unchecked. You can also define a custom sequence by assigning the corresponding number in the order column. In the example below, the first recipient, John Doe, must sign before the remaining recipients receive the signature request. Susan Smith and Peter Jackson will receive the request at the same time.
7. Attach the applicable files: Multiple documents may be added to a single template. You may do so by dragging and dropping the documents you wish to upload onto the whitespace under Attach files, or by clicking on the +Document button.
8. Add a message: Complete the subject and email body, or select an already created message template. Once finished, press on the Next button.
Note: You can select and add an already created signature to your message. Learn how to create message signatures here.
9. Prepare the document by dragging and dropping the fillable control fields onto the desired location.
10. Click on the Save as button and select the Templates option. Once finished, the created template with static link will be visible in the Templates page.
Identifying and managing RForms in the Templates page
All your created RForms and standard templates will be visible in the Templates page. In order to tell RForms from standard templates, look for those templates with the green chain icon.
Learn how to share an RForm with other members of your company here.
Learn how to unshare an RForm here.
Learn how to edit an RForm here.
Learn how to copy an RForm here.
Learn how to delete an RForm here.
RForms signer experience
To view and sign the applicable documents, the first signer accessing an RForm needs to enter their email address, select their role and accept the terms and conditions on the Confirm to begin window. If only one signer is required for that particular RForm, the signer's role will be autopopulated.
If the first signer signs and clicks on the Submit button without inviting optional signers, they will be reminded that they can invite additional optional signers to sign the document.
When the RForm contains multiple required signers, if the first signer clicks on the Submit button without inviting the remaining signers, a warning message will appear.
The first signer can invite the remaining signers, optional or required, by clicking on the Invite signers button.
The Invite signers interface will display all pending signer roles for the first signer to fill out their names and emails. Additionally, it must be indicated whether each additional signer is to be invited to sign via email, or sign now, using the same browser session as the first signer.
- Required signers are identified with a red asterisk symbol (*).
- Optional signers can be removed by clicking on the red trash icon.
Lastly, a section for the first signer to add their details is displayed, as well as a field to enter a message to the additional signers.
Note: If the Enable sending messages to mobile setting is enabled, the first signer can invite other signers to sign on their mobile phones, provided that any or all of the other signers have been configured to receive notifications via email at the time of RForm creation.
Once all required control fields are filled, and the Submit button is pressed, the remaining signers entered in the Invite signers interface will be invited to sign the document. Learn about the remaining invited signers experience here.
The envelope will be considered completed when all the signers sign the document. You can track status and manage envelopes in the Envelopes page.
Requesting access to an RForm
If an unauthorized recipient attempts to access an RForm and has the Auto-Lock feature applied to them, a pop-up will appear notifying them that they are not authorized to access the document and offering the option to request access.
To learn more click on this article about requesting access to a document in RSign.
Verifying first signer
When the Send a confirmation email to validate first signer setting is enabled, an email is sent to the first signer of the RForm for authentication purposes.
The user journey of the first signer is as follows:
1. The signer accepts the terms and conditions to access the document signing page.
2. The signer signs the document.
3. The signer invites other signers.
4. The signer clicks on the Submit button.
5. RSign sends an email to the signer to confirm their email.
6. The signer clicks on the Confirm email button in the email they receive.
7. RSign redirects the user to the confirmation landing page and sends a signature request to the additional signers.
Verifying each signer for static templates
When the Re-verify Each Signer for Static Template setting is enabled, an email is sent to all signers of the RForm for authentication purposes, ensuring the authenticity of their email addresses before submitting the document.
When the setting is enabled the following workflow occurs:
1. Once the signers click on Submit, a pop-up window will appear, prompting them to enter the code sent to their email.
2. Enter the code and click on Continue to complete the submission of the document.