The RSign service integration for Bullhorn allows users to send documents for e-signature directly from their Bullhorn platform using the RSign system. It enables users to automatically receive signed documents in the corresponding Bullhorn record and monitor the status of sent envelopes, all within the Bullhorn interface. Additionally, users can create and modify eSign templates and send envelopes to various Bullhorn records, including candidates, clients, contacts, companies, placements, and jobs.
Important: Before starting to set up the RSign service integration for Bullhorn, users need to contact their Bullhorn support team to enable the integration for them and request the following information:
"Subject Line: Developer Partner Integration Request: RPost
Body: I'm working with a Developer partner, RPost, and would like to turn their integration on in my Bullhorn instance. Will you please share the following information with me to send to RPost?
Client ID
Client Secret
API Username
API Password“
This article covers the following topics:
- RSign system Customer admin credentials and appropriate RSign user plans.
- Bullhorn administrator credentials.
Integration initial setup
In order to set up this integration, an administrator will have to follow a configuration process on both the RSign system and Bullhorn platforms.
Integration initial setup in RSign system
1. Access the RSign system with a Company Admin account.
2. From the the RSign system Main Page go to the Settings tab.
3. Select the External Drives Setup tab at a Company level.
4. Click on the Bullhorn tab and add your Client ID, Client Secret, API Username and API Password previously shared by Bullhorn in the support ticket created when requesting this integration.
5. Additionally, select if the final signed documents will return to Bullhorn and the filename format to be used.
6. Click on Save.
Integration initial setup in Bullhorn
1. Login to Bullhorn with an Admin user.
2. Navigate to Menu > Admin > View Layout.
3. Select any of the supported entities where the integration will be used (candidates, clients, contacts, companies, placements, and/or jobs).
4. Choose Custom Tabs and then fill a new Custom Tab with the following information:
- Name: RSign Envelopes
- URL:
- Partner Name: RPost
- User Types: Select all Bullhorn users
5. Click on Save and repeat the process for all the desired entities.
6. Select any supported entity where the integration will be used (candidates, clients, contacts, companies, placements, and/or jobs), choose Custom Menu Actions and then fill a new Custom Menu Action with the following information:
- Name: RSign
- URL:
- Partner Name: RPost
- User Types: Select all Bullhorn users
7. Click on Save and repeat the process for all the desired entities.
Please click on the following article to read RSign service for Bullhorn - User Guide.