Navigate this article to find the most common questions and answers (Q&As) that explain the basics of RSign
• RSign Q&As
• Sending a Signature Request Q&As
• Post Sending Behavior Q&As
RSign Q&As
Q: What is RSign
A: RSign is a web-based e-signature service that allows you to prepare and send a document to be signed electronically as well as manage e-sign documents.
Q: Is RSign supported by all web browsers?
A: Yes, RSign is compatible and can be used with Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, Microsoft Edge, Apple Safari and most other current and modern web browsers.
Q: I forgot my password. What can I do?
A: Follow these steps to reset your password.
Q: Will signature requests I send in RSign expire?
A: Signature request emails sent using RSign will eventually expire, but RSign users can select an expiration date for 1 to up 90 days in the Settings Tab.
Q: How long is Envelope data retained in the RSign system before it is purged?
A: RSign has three independent privacy settings to manage both concealing and data retention. The following settings are in the Company Admin section of the settings in the Privacy tab. Click on the links below to learn more.
- Private Mode
- Delete Data
- Data Masking
Q: Why is a user I added to the RPortal receiving a message that their account doesn't exist when they try to log in?
A: After adding a new user inside RPortal and assigning a plan, the user must visit RSign and create an account with their unique password to activate the service.
Q: How do I create a new account?
A: Follow these instructions to register a new account.
Q: Will my recipient need any special software to sign the document?
A: No, signers do not need any special software or hardware to view and sign a document. The signer must have any web browser on a desktop, laptop, tablet, or phone. Read this article for more information about signing a document.
Q: Can the recipient sign on a mobile device?
A: Yes, RSign recipients can sign any RSign signature request using a compatible Android or iOS phone or tablet.
Q: Can more than one user log into the same RSign account at once?
A: Yes. Note: Any document being edited will be saved when a user refreshes the page.
Q: Are companies charged for emails that fail to deliver or bounce?
A: Yes. Any email sent will be charged against your allocation.
Q: How many units are included with an RSign Free Trial?
A: Two units.
Q: What are the file types RSign supports?
A: The file types RSign supports include the following extensions: .pdf, .doc, .docx, .xls, .xlsx, .ppt, .pptx, .bmp, .gif, .ico, .jpg, .jpeg, .png, .tif, .tiff, .htm, .html, .txt. Click on the link for more information about RSign Specifications, Limitations & Requirements.
Q: What is the cumulative file size for RSign, and number of pages?
A: The service parameters for RSign include the following:
- Maximum individual file size: 25 MB
- Maximum cumulative envelope size: 25 MB
- Maximum number of files attached for sending: 100
- Maximum number of cumulative pages limit: 500
Click on the link for more information about RSign Specifications, Limitations & Requirements.
Q: What are the supported paper sizes for documents in RSign?
A: The paper sizes supported by RSign include the following:
- 8.3 x 11.7 inches (21 x 30 cm)
- 8.5 x 14 inches (22 x 36 cm)
- 8.5 x 11 inches (22 x 28 cm)
Click on the link for more information about RSign Specifications, Limitations & Requirements.
Q: Where can I find the service parameters for RSign including the number of signers allowed per envelope, maximum number of pages, maximum number of recipients, maximum file size, supported page formats, and supported file types?
A: RSign is designed to be an enterprise electronic signature service with robust service parameters. Click here for more information about RSign Specifications, Limitations & Requirements.
Q: Are RSign emails being sent out encrypted?
A: RSign sends all emails via Transport Layer Security (TLS). Users may opt to add additional security by limiting access with an access code.
- End-to-End: If selected, a password is required for the recipient to view and sign the document and to view the signed document. The password will be sent to the recipient’s email address.
- Required To Open Signed: If selected, no password will be needed to view and sign the document, but a password will be needed to open the signed document. The password will be sent to the recipient’s email address once the document is signed and submitted.
- Signer Verification: If selected, the signer will be required to enter a 6-digit verification code that is sent to them to open and sign the document.
Click on the link to learn more about Access Authentication.
Q: Why am I not receiving email copies of signed documents or sending notices?
A: In the unlikely scenario where an email originating from RSign is not received, please check the Spam/Junk folders or mail filter quarantine.
Q: Can I change my username/email address associated with my RSign account?
A: A user’s account is tied to their email address. If a user has a new email address, the RSign Professional Services team can migrate the data to the user’s new email address. If you need to migrate to a new email address, please contact your Customer Success Representative.
Q: Can I store signers/contact information on RSign?
A: RSign has a Contacts feature for sending to frequent recipients. In the Settings tab, click the Contacts option in the menu to add and manage contacts. When sending a document for signature, there is a contacts icon in the address field to select recipients from the address book. Click on the link to learn more about uploading contacts to RSign.
Q: Can I access my sent & signed documents at a later date?
A: Documents Signed RSign contracts can be accessed under the Envelopes Tab. To learn more please read for the following article about managing signed contracts in the Envelopes tab. RSign can be configured to not save one or all contracts if necessary. RSign users will also have the choice to manually delete signed contracts from RSign.
Sending a Signature Request Q&As
Q: What is the difference between Templates and Rules?
A: Templates allow you to set up a document once and use it to create multiple signature requests without having to format the document each time. Rules allow users to prepare a document or form as a reusable template where the fillable fields are static, but the added underlying document is dynamic. This feature allows users to save time by preparing the document or form with fillable controls fields set and located on the document only in the non-dynamic locations. Click on the links to learn more about Templates and Rules.
Q: How can I self-sign the document and add my own information before sending the signature request?
A: RSign has a Prefill option while adding recipients to the envelope. Simply select Prefill under the Type column in the Add Recipients section of the envelope’s preparation page. This allows users to complete and sign a document prior to sending to others to sign. If you only need to self-sign the document, you can use the Prefill option without adding any additional recipients. This is ideal for situations where the sender is the sole signer.
Click on the link to learn more about the Prefill feature.
Q: Why is one of my co-workers unable to view a template I created?
A: RSign allows the sharing of templates for convenience and advanced workflows. The template creator and the colleague must both have the sharing options enabled in the templates tab in the RSign settings. Once a template is created and shared to a co-worker, they can simply add that Template to their personal list and use it. There are many template options including the ability for template creators to allow or limit template editing for shared templates. Click on the link for more information about sharing templates.
Q: Is it possible to include a colleague in the Envelope to track the signing process?
A: Senders wishing to keep a colleague up to date on the signing progress and notifications may use the Cc option when setting up the envelope with the recipients. There are advanced options to customize which information Cc's can receive. Click on this link to learn more about the Cc option.
Q: Will the Cc recipient receive reminders for unsigned or expiring RSign agreements?
A: Senders wishing to keep a colleague up to date on the signing progress and notifications may use the Cc option when setting up the envelope with the recipients. This will keep the colleague informed but they will not receive notices the document has not been signed or will expire. There are advanced options to customize which information Cc's can receive. Click on this link to learn more about the Cc option.
Q: Can I either copy or re-route signed RSign contracts to a workflow address which is different than the sending address?
A: The RSign service allows users to copy and/or re-route the signed document to a non-sending workflow email address. This can be done in the RSign Settings tab in the Admin tab. If this feature is not available with the sender’s account plan, the request may be done through the RSign Professional Service team by creating a support ticket request. Click on the link for more information about re-routing a document.
Q: Can the Date & Time stamp in the document be adjusted to prevent it from overlapping with information or text?
A: The Date & Time stamp can be modified by a Company Admin in the Company Settings Tab > Admin. It can be removed, or also change the stamp's location. Click on the link for more information about the Date & Time stamp location.
Q: I got timed out during my document’s preparation, what is the timeframe for this?
A: The length of idle time before a user is logged out is 30-minutes. After 25-minutes of idle time, the system will display a popup message with two options; Keep me signed in or Log me out. Click on the link for more information about RSign Specifications, Limitations & Requirements.
Q: Is it possible to send documents for e-signature to a large list of users?
A: RSign has a Bulk Send feature to automate sending to large numbers of recipients without the need of an API connector or integration. If this feature is not included in the company plan, please contact the assigned RSign account manager, or create a support ticket for a Professional Service representative to assist. Click on the link for more information about the Bulk Send feature.
Q: Why am I experiencing difficulties uploading a document to RSign? The system remains in a loading state and eventually returns an error message.
A: If a user has a loading error, please try the following steps to resolve the issue:
- Check the file type to ensure it is supported by RSign. The file types include the following extensions: .pdf, .doc, .docx, .xls, .xlsx, .ppt, .pptx, .bmp, .gif, .ico, .jpg, .jpeg, .png, .tif, .tiff, .htm, .html, .txt.
- Log out of RSign, clear the browser cache/history, log into RSign and try the steps to send and upload the document again.
- Test to see if there is a firewall blocking access to the RSign APIs which may limit the functionalities of the service by whitelisting RSign and set it as a safe sender. Click on this link to learn more about whitelisting.
Q: How can I set up multiple signers with the same email address when sending a document for signature?
A: RSign users can easily send the same document for signature to two or more people who share an email address. Simply add each signer’s name in the Name field and use the same email address. Then select the Sign in Sequence checkbox. While assigning the recipient fields for signing, dating, etc., for each person, use the signer dropdown to select the appropriate signer for each field. The shared address will receive the emails inviting them to sign with the appropriate name for each invitation. The signing button contains a unique link to view the documents with that recipient’s signing fields. Click on the link to learn more about the Sign in Sequence feature.
Q: What is sequential signing?
A: Sequential signing is a setting that is used by RSign users to set a signing order for all signers of an RSign contract/document. The document is sent to each recipient once the previous recipient has completed the signing process. You can define a custom sequence by assigning the corresponding number in the order column. To learn more please read the following article about signing in sequence.
Q: How can I send multiple documents for signature and receive them back signed as separate documents, rather than combined into a single document?
A: RSign has a setting that allows senders to combine or separate multiple documents after the signing process is complete. The setting Separate Multiple Documents After Signing is located in the Sending tab in the RSign company or personal settings. Click on the link to learn more about the Separate Multiple Documents After Signing feature.
Q: Why is it necessary to include a label when adding a Textbox control while preparing a signature request?
A: The label is required for the text box control to give signers an indication of what they are asked to put in the text field. Text labels can be things like, Address, City, State, Zip, etc. Click on the links to learn more about Fillable Control Fields.
Post Sending Behavior Q&As
Q: How do I know if the document that I sent has been delivered successfully?
A: Emails sent through RSign are tracked for sending, delivery, pending signature and signed among other statuses. Transactions in the Envelopes tab may be expanded to see the status, including delivery. There is a mouse-over feature for the delivery status to provide more server information. Click on this link to learn more about the Envelope Data.
Q: What is and where do I find the envelope ID?
A: The envelope ID is a unique 24-character code that is assigned to each envelope sent from the RSign system for identification purposes. In most cases, when submitting a support ticket relating to a sent RSign transaction, the support agent will expect an envelope ID for each transaction you are referring to, to investigate the issue correctly and thoroughly.
You can find the envelope ID in:
- Emails referring to the RSign transaction: There is a section near the top of the email that provides information on who the document was sent From, To, and the envelope ID titled Envelope.
- Envelopes page: This where you can view the envelopes data.
- RSign final document: If the setting Envelope time/date stamp location is enabled, the envelope ID will be found in one of the four corners of each page of the RSign final document.
- Signature certificate: The envelope ID can be found on the signature certificate of the RSign final document, in the Envelope data section.
Q: Where can I track the signing process of the document I sent for signature?
A: Senders may track the signing process and activities from within the Envelopes tab by expanding with the dropdown arrow of the desired transaction. There are many more actions available from within the expanded envelope. Click the link below for more information about the Envelopes tab.
Q: Where can I find the signed documents?
A: The signed documents are stored by default in the Envelopes tab where each envelope has a row which may be expanded to view the transaction history and access the documents. Click the link below for more information about storing signed documents.
Q: What is a signature certificate?
A: A signature certificate is a document that details the signature of all the signers, sender and signer information, and an audit trail and metadata related to the documents of the corresponding envelope ID. Learn more about signature certificates here.
Q: How can I access older Envelopes in the Envelopes tab?
A: Located at the bottom of the Envelopes tab are two dropdown controls. The first manages the page size to show 25, 50 or 100 envelopes per page. The second manages the period of time to display the envelops with the default the last 60-days and the other is over 60-days. The Current tab displays envelopes from the last 12 months. All envelopes older than 12 months are automatically archived, as outlined in the Service Level Agreement, and will only appear in the History tab if the corresponding add-on plan for storage is purchased.
Click on the link for more information about the Envelopes Tab.
Q: I need to send a document to another email address after sending but one recipient has already signed. Can I do that, or do I need to do everything from scratch?
A: Users wishing to modify recipients after sending may re-send or cancel a document any time before the document is signed by all parties. If a document is sent and not signed by any parties, the user may click the Update and Re-send button in the expanded transaction item in the Envelopes tab. This will allow the sender to modify the recipients, message, and document. Click on the links to learn about Envelope actions.
Q: How do I download a document that is not completed by all the signers?
A: The Send individual signature notifications setting needs to be set to Y; in that case, the document can be downloaded from that notification email. Click here for more information about sending individual signature notifications.
Q: Can I cancel a document after sending for signature?
A: Users wishing to cancel a document after sending may cancel or re-send a document any time before the document is signed by all parties. If a document is sent and not signed by any parties, the user may click the Update and Re-send button in the expanded transaction item in the Envelopes tab. This will allow the sender to modify the recipients, message, and document. Click on the links to learn about Envelope actions.
Q: Why does my Document Completed email do not have my signed document attached?
A: Signed and completed documents totaling over 20MB are not attached to the Document Completed email, due to potential size restrictions of the recipient’s inbox. Instead, the Document Completed email provides a link to download the signed document.
Q: Is there a way to backup or export all our contracts?
A: If there is the need to backup or export contracts and transactions, please create a support ticket and a member of the RSign Professional Services team will be happy to assist.