The RMail for Syrasoft Connect integration allows Syrasoft Connect users to send Registered Email messages from their Syrasoft Connect platform via the RMail system. Users can send any type of Syrasoft letters as Registered Email messages.
- An RMail account.
- A Syrasoft Connect account with administrator permissions.
How to use RMail for Syrasoft Connect
Important note: Please refer to this article to learn how to set up RMail for Syrasoft Connect.
Once the setup has been completed, follow these steps to start using the integration:
1. Login to the Syrasoft Connect platform and select Tenant to display the tenants list.
2. Select a tenant from the list to send a Registered Email message.
3. Click on Print / Email Docs on the left menu and from the Letters section select the letter you need to send Registered. Lastly, click on Other and select RPost from the dropdown.
4. The letter will be sent as a Registered Email message and you will receive a success notification as shown in the screenshot below.