The RSign service for Rentman Integration allows Rentman users to send documents for e-signature directly from their Rentman Windows desktop platform using the RSign service.
This article covers the following topics:
- An RSign Customer Admin account.
- A Rentman Windows desktop user account with administrator permissions.
Integration usage
Important note: Please refer to this article to learn how to setup the RSign service for Rentman
1. Log into Rentman desktop platform.
2. Choose the Tenancies icon in the top bar and then select the specific record for which you want to send a document for eSignature. In Rentman, records are organized by tenancies, containing all the necessary information for agreements to be sent for eSignature, including details about the property, landlord, tenancy, guarantors, and more.
3. Select the Send Documents button.
4. A pop-up window displays a Notices section where you can choose individual documents for the eSignature process (first image) or select a package (second image). Please note that both documents and packages are pre-created in the platform (third image).
Packages tab: useful for predefined sets of documents for e-signature.
Document Creation: Same section for both single documents and package creation.
5. Once the tenancy record is complete with all necessary information (e.g. property details, guarantor information, addresses of relevant parties, etc.), select the RSign icon. Note: If the preview box is checked, the process will display the document in PDF for the user to review and confirm its accuracy. If not, any necessary document changes must be made in the Documents section mentioned in step 4.
6. The system will inquire whether the envelope should be sent to the landlord and tenants. Choose the suitable response based on your requirements for this agreement.
7. If the preview box is checked (as shown in the image above), the PDF version of the documents will be displayed. Please note that they cannot be edited at this stage. To make changes, close the tenancy record and modify the documents in the section explained in step 4 (third image).
8. Once you've reviewed the PDF file/files, return to the Rentman platform. A popup will appear, confirm your selection by choosing Yes.
9. The platform displays the loading process of the document being sent by RSign (Logging in to RSign and Posting Envelope to RSign).
10. The Journal tab shows the e-signature process updates, including dates and events (e.g., Tenant X signed the offer).
11. The e-signature process is completed when all the parties involved sign the documents available in the envelope received in their email inbox. They don’t need an RSign account.
The final signed document and signature certificate are sent to the sender's email address.