Q: What is RPortal?
A: RPortal is a management console, where customer administrators can manage their users, company and users settings, plans, among others.
Q: How do I get access to RPortal?
A: If you are a customer admin and you do not have access to RPortal, contact your RPost Customer Success or Sales representative to be granted access. Learn more about how to activate your RPortal user account here.
Q: How do I reset my password?
A: Resetting your password is very easy. Simply follow the steps described in this article: Resetting your RPortal password.
Q: Are my credentials for RPortal the same ones I use for RMail, RSign, or RDocs?
A: Yes. Your credentials are the same for all RPost services.
Q: What settings can I change in RPortal?
A: You can view all the available settings in RPortal here.
Q: How do I know which are the effective settings? The company settings, the user settings, or the settings in the Outlook plugin?
A: If you are unsure what the effective settings are for a specific user, click on the Effective Settings button on the Settings tab.
For more information read this article about Company and User Settings.
Q: How can I review how many units were consumed for my account?
A: You can create a usage report. Learn how to create a usage report here.