The RMail service for Self-Storage Manager (SSM) Cloud integration allows SSM users to send Registered Email messages from their SSM Cloud platform via the RMail service. Users can define which transaction emails and documents are sent automatically using the RMail service, or they can send them manually.
This article includes the following topics:
- An RMail Customer Admin account with API Admin rights.
- An SSM Cloud account with administrator permissions.
Initial Setup
Important note: Before starting to set up the RMail service integration with SSM Cloud, customers need to request their SSM Cloud representative to configure in their platform the RMail Customer Admin account with RMail API access. If the customer admin account doesn’t have RMail API access or you are unsure about it, please contact your RPost Customer Success representative. Once this has been completed, use an SSM Cloud account with administrator permissions to complete the setup by carrying on the following steps:
1. Login to the SSM Cloud platform.
2. Click on the user logo in the top right corner menu and select Administration.
3. Click on Maintenance.
4. Click on Email, SMS And Phone System Settings.
From this section the user may:
- Set up RMail service as the default option for sending Unmarked Registered Email messages, by selecting it in the Activate Email Service dropdown. Note: This action will trigger all emails from the SSM Cloud to be sent Registered and Unmarked, except for the templates configured as Registered.
- Set up RMail service as the default option for sending Marked Registered Email messages, by selecting it in the Activate Registered Email Service dropdown. Note: This action will trigger all emails belonging to the templates configured as Registered to be sent Registered and Marked.
- Add or modify the From email address for each store within SSM Cloud. The emails selected must be part of the same Company account of the administrator account previously shared with SSM Support.
Defining Templates
Follow these steps to create or modify templates for any transaction happening within SSM.
1. Login to the SSM Cloud platform.
2. Press the user logo in the top right corner menu and select Administration.
3. Click on Maintenance.
4. Click on Letters and Templates.
There are two types of email templates:
- HTML Type: These templates are used for sending emails which contain email subject, body, and other information.
If an HTML template type is selected, the email can be set as Registered by selecting the Registered Email button as shown below:
- PDF Type: These are document templates used for generating PDF documents that will be included as attachments in the emails to be sent.
If a PDF template type is selected, the document can be set to automatically be sent via Registered Email. To do so, select the box at the right of the Email button. Then click on the Email button and select the Registered Email option as shown below:
Note: A user can set as many HTML or PDF templates to be sent as Registered (Marked or Unmarked) Email messages as needed.
Please refer to this article to learn how to use the RMail service for SSM Cloud.