RSign integration with XDTI Nexsure boosts security, productivity and convenience by providing users with a built-in workflow inside XDTI Nexsure to send documents for e-signature and automatically receive the signed contract together with the legal esign certificate.
With the RSign-Nexsure integration, document signatures can be completed virtually and instantaneously. A fully secure digital electronic signature process begins and ends within the Nexsure Agency Management Platform: recipients will receive an email notification of pending documents for signature, and simply click to sign. Documents are returned to the Nexsure Agency Management Platform and filed appropriately. The user who initiated the eSignature workflow receives an Alert on the Nexsure Dashboard when the signed document is returned.
Specifically, the integration offers the following capabilities:
- Click-Send: Send documents to RSign from XDTI with one click: Attach multiple documents from their XDTI Nexsure platform or Desktop before sending the document to RSign or add contacts from within or outside of Nexsure before sending the document to RSign
- Magic-Retrieve: Automatically receive the signed document and e-sign certificate back in Nexsure
- Users receive a notification inside Nexsure when an esignature workflow is completed
- Users can monitor the status of their RSign envelopes inside Nexsure
- Drag and drop fields onto your document to prepare.
- Out-of-the-box compliance with GDPR, HIPAA, eIDAS, UETA, ESIGN and more.
- Robust legal eSign audit trail and transaction forensics.
This article covers the following topics:
- Initial steps in the Nexsure platform
- Sending a document from Nexsure to RSign for e-signature
- Tracking delivery status in Nexsure
Initial steps in the Nexsure platform
To initiate the e-signature process first make sure these requirements in Nexsure are met:
1. The user must have a valid email address set up under My Profile.
Click on Edit to add an email address as needed.
If using Authenticated E-mail Integration, set it up under My Profile > Authenticated E-mail.
2. The client must have a complete and active Client Overview.
3. The client contact within the People section must have a valid email address.
Sending a document from Nexsure to RSign for e-signature
To send a document from Nexsure to RSign for eSignature follow these steps:
1. On the Dashboard, enter the client's name in the box and click on Search. Select the applicable client row from the Search results.
2. Click on New Delivery.
3. Select eSignature from the Delivery Type drop down.
4. Complete the required From: and To: fields by entering the sender's and client's information. Note: The From field is auto populated with the sender's name and email address but it can be replaced with updated information.
5. Within the Attachment section, click on the Search/Browse button to select the documents to be sent for signature. Next, click on Done.
Alternatively, the sender may drag a file from their local computer
and click on the Upload button.
6. Enter the subject and body of the email.
7. Click on the Send button.
After clicking on Send, a message stating Uploading Document to RSign will display along with a progress bar.
8. Once the document has completed uploading, the user will be presented with the RSign Envelope prepare page to start adding the applicable fillable control fields. To do so, drag and drop the fields within the document. For example, drag the Signature control field onto the document where you want the recipient to sign.
As a field is selected and placed on the document, an options menu for that control will appear for the sender to configure.
9. After the sender completes preparing the document, the final step is to press the Send button.
The message eSignature Delivery has been sent will be displayed.
10. Click on Close to return to Nexsure.
11. The client will receive an email notifying them that they have a document to review and sign.
Read the following article to learn how to sign a document in RSign.
12. On the Dashboard, the sender will receive an alert when the signed document arrives to their inbox. Click on Signed Document Received to view the received attachment.
Tracking delivery status in Nexsure
To view the details of you deliveries go to My Inbox>eSignatures>Requested.
To review the status of the eSignature delivery go to Overview>Manage Deliveries.
Click on the Paper Clip icon to see the Delivery Details and to preview the signed attachment.
The completed document is added to the client’s Attachments section. Click on the Attachment Name to view the attachment or the Type icon to update the attachment details.
The Attachment details can be edited based on your organizations workflows:
- Change Attachment Name
- Change Document Description
- Associate to a Policy (if applicable)
- Associate to a Certificate (if applicable)
- Associate to a Claim (if applicable)
- Make viewable in the Client Access Portal or Retail Agent Portal (if applicable)
- Move the file to another folder under the Attachments tab (if applicable)
Note: If your organization has setup the Document Library, the Name and Description can be updated from the library selection