The RSign for Applied Epic integration allows Applied Epic users to send forms and documents for electronic signature directly from their Applied Epic platform via RSign. Users can attach multiple documents, as well as import their contacts from the Applied Epic platform. An Applied Epic activity is created for every envelope sent, and it is automatically updated every time there is a status change on the document. Once the document is completed, RSign automatically sends the final signed document along with the Signature Certificate to the Applied Epic’s appropriate records
Note: RSign for Applied Epic application requires a Developer SDK license. If your company holds a different SDK version or has no SDK at all, Applied Epic allows you to purchase a Runtime SDK license and enables the missing methods needed for this integration without any additional cost. If your organization does not wish to purchase the Applied Epic SDK license, RPostOne for Microsoft Outlook and RPostOne for Windows OS (both free of charge) make it seamless to send documents for e-signature from any web or desktop application, or directly from the email compose window in Outlook, and even capture recipient, email body and subject line.
This article covers the following topics:
- Integration initial setup: Setting up Applied Epic
- Integration initial setup: Setting up RSign
- Pre-conditions
Integration initial setup: Setting up Applied Epic
To enable the integration, an initial setup in Applied Epic needs to be done by the client’s Admin user. Follow these steps:
1. As an admin, access the Applied Epic Account Homepage.
2. Select the Configure button in the left pane.
3. Click on the Links button and select Links.
4. Complete the following fields in the form:
- Description: Name of the link to be displayed when using RSign. We recommend using Send to RSign
- Path/Address: RSign endpoint to the RSign webApp for Applied Epic:
- Pass Information: Click on the checkbox
5. Click on Finish to save.
6. Although you can set up any Activity Code for the RSign Activites (only required if the Activities feature is enabled), the Activity Basic Settings must be set up as follows:
Integration initial setup: Setting up RSign
To enable the integration, an initial setup in RSign needs to be done by the client’s Admin user. Follow these steps:
1. Open your RSign admin account, go to Company Settings and open the External Drives Setup tab. Complete the information required.
2. To send signed contracts automatically to Applied Epic, set Upload Signed Document to Yes. This will allow you to customize the final signed document name format as well as the signature certificate document name format. Admins can also choose to save signed documents in the original file location or in a different location within Applied Epic.
Note: To store the signature certificate within the Epic interface along with the signed contract, the setting Store Signature Certificate must be enabled (set to Y).
3. To create activities automatically into Applied Epic, set Enable Activity to Yes. This will require you to enter the Activity Code configured in Applied Epic for those activities Once finished, click on Save.
Setting label | Description |
API Server URL | Enter the Applied Epic SDK URL. It's a unique endpoint given to Applied Epic Customers who have purchased their SDK license. Contact your Applied Epic representative to get the SDK URL |
Database Name | Enter the Applied Epic database name. Contact your Applied Epic representative to get the Database name. |
Authentication Key | The Authentication Key is the password to access the Epic SDK URL. Contact your Applied Epic representative to get the Authentication Key. |
Integration Key | Applied Epic provides an Integration Key to its customers to identify their vendors. Contact your Applied Epic representative to get the Integration Key. |
Upload Signed Document | Enable this feature to store the final signed documents and signature certificates in your Applied Epic account. |
Enable Activity | Enable this feature to auto-create activities in Applied Epic when sending envelopes from the RSign-Applied Epic integration. |
Activity Code | Enter the Activity Code to be used for all activities auto created by RSign. This value needs to be previously set up on the Applied Epic platform. |
Activity Assignation | Specifies how Applied Epic activities created by RSign will be assigned. If the "Different User" option is selected, the corresponding User Code must be set up. |
Close Activity | Enable this feature to close activities automatically when the related documents are completed (fully signed). |
Signed Document Location | Path of the folder where final signed documents should be stored. If the “Different Folder” option is selected, the pre-existing folder name must be set up matching exactly the name stored in Applied Epic |
Final Signed Document Name Format | Enable this feature to close activities automatically when the related documents are completed (fully signed). |
Signature Certificate Document Name Format | Enable this feature to close activities automatically when the related documents are completed (fully signed). |
3. Applied Epic only allows to share one document at a time. In order to be able to attach multiple Applied Epic documents in a single RSign envelope, navigate to the System tab and enable Applied Epic from the Storage Drives Available option. This will also allow users to start envelopes in RSign and import files from Applied Epic. Once finished, click on Save.
- Active Applied Epic User
- Active RSign user
- Customer needs to either license the Applied Epic Developer SDK - version 2021.01 or newer, or the Applied Epic Runtime SDK - version 2021.01 or newer. In the latter case, the Customer needs to request Applied Epic to enable access to all the methods used by the integration (ask your RPost Representative for more details)
- Point of contact from Applied Epic Support (all customers who license the SDK have one)
- RSign setting tab for the Applied Epic Integration