NetDocuments is a cloud-based document and email management service that provides enterprise-level security, mobility, disaster recovery, and collaboration solutions for organizations.
RSign has an out-of-the-box integration with NetDocuments that covers the following two use cases:
1. From the NetDocuments interface, the user can send documents to the RSign system.
2. From the RSign interface, user can access documents stored in their NetDocuments library to compose envelopes.
This article describes how users can set up and use the RSign service for NetDocuments integration, along with providing guidance on configuring RSign personal settings based on specific needs.
The following processes are covered in detail:
Use Case 1: User starts envelope creation process in NetDocuments.
- Sending documents from NetDocuments to the RSign System
- Sending the signed documents automatically to NetDocuments
Use Case 2: The user starts the envelope creation process in the RSign System.
- Enabling NetDocuments as a storage drive in the RSign system
- Processing NetDocuments documents in the RSign system
- Sending the signed documents automatically to NetDocuments
Lastly, please note that users will need to do a guided one-time authorization to allow the RSign system to access NetDocuments. Simply follow the steps below:
Important note: To use the RSign service for NetDocuments integration, users need active licenses for RSign and NetDocuments.
Use Case 1: User starts envelope creation process in NetDocuments.
Sending documents from NetDocuments to the RSign system.
1. Login to your NetDocuments account.
2. Navigate to the folder where the document to be signed is stored.
3. Right-click on the file. A dropdown menu will open. Select the option: Send to application.
4. A pop-up will open. Click on the Send to RSign link.
5. The RSign system opens in a new browser tab for accessing. If not previously logged-in, add your RSign username and password or click on the Single Sign On (SSO) button if you are using SSO.
6. The file will be added to the RSign Send tab, under the Attach Files section.
7. Continue the envelope creation process as usual.
Note: Your company needs to have SSO enabled in RSign in order to be able to use this option, Please contact your RSign administrator if you would like to use this capability.
Sending the signed documents automatically to NetDocuments.
Please note that, as described in the RSign service for NetDocuments- Setup Guide, the following personal settings can also be enabled, set up, and locked by your company RSign admin at once, applying them to all users under your company. Users can only enable and update the settings which are not locked. Locked settings are not editable and only an admin can unlock them.
By default, the Upload Signed Document configuration will be disabled. If you wish to enable it, click on Y.
Users can then decide whether to store the signed document as a new file or as a new version of the original file.
Save the Document as a New Version of the Original File
If Versioning is chosen in the setting Filling Options for Final Signed Documents, the signed document will be saved as a new version of the original file.
Users can then make the following customizations:
- Filing Options for Final Signed Documents & Certificate: There are three options available for the user to select any one option.
1. Add signed document as a new version without certificate.
2. Add final signed document with certificate as new version of original.
3. Add signed documents as new version and certificate as a new document.
- Final Signed Document Name Format: There are five options available for the user to select any one option.
1. Original Document Name- Date Format.
2. Date Format- Original Document Name.
3. [Signed] Original Document Name-Date Format.
4. [Signed] Date Format- Original Document Name.
5. [Signed] Original Document Name
- Signature Certificate Document Name Format: The user has five options to choose from if they prefer to save the certificate as a separate file
1. Certificate-date format.
2. Date format- Certificate.
3. [Certificate] Original Document Name-Date Format.
4. [Certificate] Date Format- Original Document Name.
5. [Certificate]- Original Document Name.
- Official Version: Enable this feature to automatically set the checked-in signed documents as the Official Version of the files when using the versioning option of signed documents in NetDocuments.
- Check Out Comment: Add a comment to the original document while it is checked out for e-signature, which displays in NetDocuments document properties.
- Check-In Comment: Add a comment to the original document to indicate that displays in the document properties in NetDocuments once it has been signed.
- Signing Process Complete Comments: Add a comment to the signed document, which is displayed in NetDocuments document properties.
- If a New Document is selected in the setting Filing Options for Final Signed Documents, the user can then select the location where they want the new file to be stored, with the options being the Same location as the original file location and Different folder location.
- When the Same location as the original file location option is selected, the signed document is uploaded to the original location from where the document is sent to the RSign system. It can be a NetDocuments folder, cabinet, matter, or any other.
- When the Different Folder Location option is selected, the document location can be specified using the folder browse option.
Click on the magnifying glass icon, select the folder where you wish to upload signed documents, and click on the Save button.
Default Signed Document Location: When the signed document location setting is set to the Same Location as the Original File Location and the uploaded file does not belong to any entity in the folder it will be stored in the path specified in this setting.
Click on the magnifying glass icon, select the folder where you wish to upload signed documents, and click on the Save button.
Use Case 2: The user starts the envelope creation process in the RSign system.
Enabling NetDocuments as a storage drive in the RSign system
1. By default, NetDocuments is disabled in the Drives pop-up on the Send tab.
2. To enable it, navigate to Settings and open the System tab. Under Available Storage Settings, select NetDocuments and Save.
3. You will now be able to access documents from NetDocuments while composing envelopes.
Note: Documents processed and signed will be stored in the RSign system.
Processing NetDocuments documents in the RSign system
1. In your RSign application, open the Send tab. Click on + Documents and select NetDocuments from the list of available drives.
2. Find the desired documents using the available filters: Cabinet, Client, Matter and Folder and click on Search. Please note that the filters Cabinet and Client are mandatory.
3. Search criteria can be reset by clicking on Clear.
4. Use the checkboxes in every row to select documents one-by-one or use the checkbox to the left of the Name column to select all documents at once.
5. Results will be paginated if the query returns more than 10 results. Use the buttons Prev and Next to navigate through the pages.
6. Click on the Preview icon to the right of the Select button to review the list of selected documents.
7. After your selection is complete, click on Select to import them to the RSign system. Imported documents will be displayed in the Attach Files section.
8. Continue the usual process for sending envelopes.
Authorizing the RSign system to access the NetDocuments account.
In order to use the RSign integration for NetDocuments, every user needs to provide consent to the RSign® system to connect with their NetDocuments account. This can be done in two different ways:
Providing consent from the RSign Settings tab
1. Log in to your RSign account, navigate to Settings, and open the External Drives tab. Open the NetDocuments tab and click on Register. A pop-up will open.
2. Enter your NetDocuments username and password and click on Login. Note: this page will only appear if you don’t have an open NetDocuments session in your browser.
3. If you access NetDocuments with SSO from any supported identity provider, you will also be able to login selecting the option I want to use my organization’s login.
4. You will be requested to grant permission to the RSign system to access files on NetDocuments. Click on the Allow button and the pop-up will close automatically.
Providing consent from the RSign Send tab
1. Log in to your RSign account, navigate to Send, and use the +Document button to select the NetDocuments drive. A pop-up will open.
2. Enter your NetDocuments username and password and click on Login. Note: this page will only appear if you don’t have an open NetDocuments session in your browser.
3. If you access NetDocuments with SSO from any supported identity provider, you will also be able to log in by selecting the option I want to use my organization’s login.
4. You will be requested to grant permission to the RSign system to access files on NetDocuments. Click on the Allow button and the pop-up will close automatically.