The RSign service for We Are JA integration allows We Are JA users to send documents for electronic signature directly from their We Are JA platforms using the RSign system. It enables users to automatically receive the signed documents in the We Are JA platform.
Important note: Before starting to set up the RSign service integration on the We Are JA platform, users need to contact the We Are JA support team to enable the credentials of an RSign Customer Admin account.
This article covers the following topics:
- An RSign Customer Admin account.
- A We Are JA account with administrator permissions.
Integration Initial Setup in the RSign system
Important note: The RSign system configuration is used for getting statuses and final signed documents stored back into We Are JA in real time. If this configuration is left undone, the integration will still work asynchronously, meaning that the statuses and final signed documents will be updated by an automatic process that runs once a day.
1. Click on the Webhooks module, located in the Company Settings tab.
Note: If you do not see the Webhooks module in the RSign system, please contact your Customer Success representative or RPost Support team.
2. To add a new event, click on the Add/Edit webhook tab.
3. Select Envelope Completed from the Event dropdown.
4. Enter the required fields:
- Secret Key header name: Any string can be used.
- Parameters: Check all parameters.
- URL: The URL parameter will be provided to you by the We Are JA support team.
5. Select Envelope Status from the Event Dropdown.
6. Enter the required fields:
- Secret Key header name: Any string can be used.
- URL: The URL parameter will be provided to you by the We Are JA support team.
- Parameters: Check all parameters.
Note: In the We Are JA platform, the Secret Header Name and Secret Key are not used when Webhooks are triggered from RSign. Since this is a mandatory column, you can configure any header name. This will not impact the Webhook event.
Integration initial setup in We Are JA [CRM platform]
Important note: When the integration is enabled on one We Are JA platform, it will also be enabled on the other.
1. Login to the We Are JA platform with administrator permissions.
2. Click on Settings in the Home page.
3. On the RSign Enabled dropdown, select Yes, and enter the RSign username, password, and RSign Reference Key.
4. Click on Save Settings.
Now you are ready to start using the RSign integration for We Are JA.
Please click on the following article to read RSign service for We Are JA [CRM] - User Guide.