In the Access Management section of the Manage tab, you can see if any unauthorized reader has requested access to a document. You can also view the status of a request you made for an RPD you were unable to open that was sent by someone else.
Using the dropdown, you can filter between different types of requests. Note: Select which tab the filter will apply to before choosing your filter in the dropdown.
L3 Document Access
The L3 Document Access tab lists requests made by individuals who didn't have access to a document protected by Level 3 security (Limit Readers).
When selecting Approve or Decline, a popup will appear with an option to notify the reader. If you choose to notify the reader, an email will be sent informing them whether the request was accepted or denied.
AI Auto Lock access
The AI Auto lock Access tab lists requests from individuals whose access was blocked by the Auto lock feature, as configured in RPortal.
When selecting Override or Reject, a popup will appear with an option to notify the reader. If you choose to notify the reader, an email will be sent informing them whether the request was accepted or denied.
My requests
When selecting My Requests from the dropdown, you can view the status of a request you made to access an RPD.
Learn more about requesting access to an RPD.