RMail offers a wide variety of methods for transmitting an email from the sender or company to RMail for processing. Submitting data into the RMail Cloud platform for processing can be done in a variety of ways in addition to the popular sending app downloads. This is one way you can take advantage of the most valuable features of RMail if you are not using Microsoft Outlook or one of the other sending apps. This method works with Apple's Mail app, for example.
Note: Only eligible customers can use this domain extension (SMTP) feature. If you are not sure if you are eligible, please contact our Support team, or you Customer Success or Sales representative.
SMTP Email Schema
One can route emails to the RMail Cloud with the special formatting of a message to direct it to the RMail infrastructure. This is done by adding an extension to the recipient email addresses and adding a subject line trigger or X-Header to the message so it is processed with the appropriate output.
RMail services include the Track & Prove (Registered Email), Encrypt and E-Sign products, with various additional features and settings proof, privacy, convenience and productivity.
This document outlines the steps for sending emails through RMail platform from an application, or batch sending without any software requirement.
Step 1: Setup Checklist - Make sure you have the following information before starting
1. Address for authorization in the RMail system:
2. Registered Receipt email routing address (if different than the sender address):
3. Address to send the usage reports (if different than the sender address):
4. Usage report frequency (daily, weekly, monthly)
Step 2: Sending Instructions
1. Compose the email.
2. Route the email to RMail by appending the suffix .rpost.biz to the end of the recipient address:
3. Example: Change recipient address jane@company.com to jane@company.com.rpost.biz.
4. Send email.
Step 3: Additional Services and Features
RMail provides many additional services and features built on the Registered Email platform. These services are available by adding subject line triggers or X-Headers to the message to initiate the function within the RMail platform.
Additional Service - Subject Line Trigger
RMail uses subject line tagging to indicate to which services the message has been submitted. Note: The string must be inserted at the beginning of the subject line.
The format is: <tag><client code data><added feature>
The following is a List of Common Subject Tags (additional features and X-Headers are available upon request)
All Messages: The suffix (.rpost.biz) and subject line tags are removed during processing in the RMail Cloud.
All Messages: Subject line tags may be combined for additional service and features.
Encrypt: The sender’s mail server must use TLS to transmit the email to the RMail Cloud.
Encrypt: Transmission with the Preferred Connect (TLS) option must be set in the RPortal.
Encrypt: No password inside the () will automatically system-generate a 10 alpha/num. decryption password.
Encrypt: The option to email the decryption password to the recipient is set in the RPortal.
Service: Encrypt – Custom
.rpost.biz: This transmits the email to the RMail Cloud.
RPSX(abc-123): Indicates the message will be sent encrypted with the decryption password “abc-123”.
RPortal Settings
RPortal settings control the following:
- Send by Preferred Connect (TLS) if available.
- Decryption password sent by email if not sent by TLS.
- Ability for the recipient to retrieve the password if not sent by TLS.
- Ability for the recipient to create their own decryption password if not sent by TLS.