The RMail service integration with ResWare provides a seamless experience for email tracking, encryption, and proof of delivery to meet compliance requirements. Specifically, users can:
- Track and Prove important communications
- Receive a court admissible Registered Encryption receipt for proof-of-fact of privacy compliance
- Receive a Registered Receipt for record for court-admissible, timestamped proof of content delivered and advanced open tracking.
These service options are added to the ResWare message template and sending interface so users may send encrypted emails with proof of delivery right from the ResWare user interface, or automated by creating rules based on stored message templates.
Sender Experience
Whenever an action that triggers an email is completed, the Eclipse Send Information window will popup for the user. User can select Track & Prove and Encrypt and click Send. Note that admins have the option to default usage of these features when setting up the workflow actions.
The sender can also send registered and encrypted messages ad hoc from the Send interface. Users simply need to select the appropriate message template and add any attachments as needed. The sender then selects the Track and Prove and Encrypt checkboxes.
ENCRYPT & TRACK OPTIONS BY TEMPLATE RULE: The sender organization may also create rules associated with templates, such that certain messages are set to always send encrypted, or with timestamped proof of delivery.
Sender Records: Track & Prove
The Registered Receipt records are inserted into the ResWare system associated with the original sending ResWare Email ID to easily manage what has transpired for a particular message.
These receipts provide timestamped proof of message and attachment content delivered, and as applicable, proof of fact of encrypted delivery. They are returned in a format that can be authenticated at any time in the future by the RMail system acting as an independent third party, and if verified authentic, the RMail system will return a record of authenticity along with the original message content and attachments, verified delivery timestamps, and underlying Internet forensic record supporting the delivery analysis.
These receipts are self-contained, meaning, there is no other copy of the data. All data needed to verify the transaction record is embedded within the receipt HTML file.
Receiver’s View for a Tracked Message
A receiver will see the tracked message as having been sent as a Registered Email message so that they are aware that this is an important message and the sender opted to track delivery.
Receiver’s View for an Encrypted Message
A receiver will see the encrypted message as having been sent as a Registered Email message, transmitted securely, with all attachments in place. There is no need for a recipient to create an account or log-in.
If for some reason the RMail system cannot create a secure connection to the recipient system, the RMail system reverts to a secondary method by encapsulating the message and attachments inside an AES 256-bit PDF file and sending separately the decryption password. There are several options the sender and/or the recipient can choose to customize this user experience. This way, RMail system guarantees 100% encryption and compliance with data privacy laws and regulations.
After clicking on the encrypted PDF file and inserting the password previously sent, recipient sees the message with all attachments, residing in their PDF reader.
Sender’s record: Registered Receipt HTML file
The sender receives the Registered Receipt record, which is a self-contained record of proof of delivery with delivery timestamps, open tracking, proof of content delivered, and proof of encrypted delivery. When a sender clicks on the Registered Receipt HTML file, they can view the receipt in their browser.